Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Little Mermaid and The Papa's Girl

I just finished watching my most favorite Disney movie, "The Little Mermaid" in Disney Channel. It's funny because it made me cry all over again.
I remembered first seeing this movie from Ate Yan-yan (my cousin) in their betamax player and instantly it became my all time favorite Disney movie.
Perhaps it's because Ariel, the main character, was so loved by King Triton (her father) and he reminded me so much of my Papa. The scene where King Triton embraced Ariel during her wedding day and brushed her face always makes me cry. Papa used to say to me that maybe "he would die" if it's time to give me away on my wedding day. But he passed away when I was 18 years old and he never got a chance to be in my wedding.
I'm thankful that I didn't forget him. Even the minutiae of memories.
Though it's seldom that I post something about Papa in my facebook posts, it doesn't mean I don't think about him or remember him anymore.
I remembered Papa:
- As a loving son to his parents especially to "Ina" (mother).
- As a sweet "Kuya" (older brother) to his siblings.
- A poet & likes to write love letters to Mama.
- He was a disciplinarian & a bit strict to my brother, Archie, because he wanted him to be more responsible & eventually take his place as the protector of family when he is not around.
- He used to call me sweetheart & kissed my hand like a princess whenever I bid him goodbye.
- He wanted me and my brother to be sporty. I remembered him teaching me how to play basketball but I'm not really the athletic type. He bought us badminton & table tennis paraphernalia.
- He taught us how to eat "isaw" (barbecued pork intestine) but asked not to tell Mama that we ate it 😁
- People person.
- Smoker but occasional drinker.
- An artist. He used to sketch us using pencil.
- Good in direction. He worked as a credit investigator in a bank. He said he knows all the shortcuts in Bulacan and promised me that we'll go on a road trip when he was still in good health & still driving.
- He was good in general information and history.
- He was an avid fan of Robert Jaworski and Ginebra Team.
- Chess player, loved playing nintendo games like battle city & galaga. He was also hooked with brick games.
- A dog lover
- A good cook
- Movie lover. His favorites were Die Hard installments & Braveheart (he admitted he cried when he saw this film) but he didn't like sci-fi films.
- Music lover. He made me believe that "Aubrey" by Bread was "Arbie" (my name) so whenever I hear that music playing I felt so special.
- Has fear of heights.

The list goes on but I can say he's the best father in the world. My own version of King Triton.

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