Monday, May 21, 2018

Death is Temporary, Heaven is Permanent

Just want to share this Kerygma reflection. 
It's the same prayer I have as Ms. Dina Pecana: 
"Help me to believe that You love him more than I ever could, that with You, Dad is happy and at peace.”

“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”— Mark 9:24
“Death is the final healing,” Fr. Martin shared in his homily at Dad’s wake eight years ago. My mind believed it because death ended Dad’s suffering and pain. But death ended his life, too. I could no longer hold his hand as we sing Ama Namin at Mass, or take a stroll with him around the park, or embrace him whenever I’m afraid. Dad is gone, and my heart refused to believe it.
Denial is a curious thing. While it comforted me from the stark reality of Dad’s death, it also prevented me from grieving. I didn’t shed a tear when Dad breathed his last at the hospital, nor during his wake, nor at his burial. I told myself that he was away on a trip and would be home soon, until I saw his golf shoes, clubs, and bag by our front door, the usual place where he left his stuff. As I cleaned them, only then did I cry and mourn his absence. I told God, “Dad isn’t coming back but I know he has gone home to You. Help me to believe that You love him more than I ever could, that with You, Dad is happy and at peace.”
It no longer hurts to remember Dad. Only a lingering sadness remains and a hopeful longing that someday, Jesus will let us see each other again at the homecoming in heaven. Dina Pecana (
Reflect: “What is there to do when people die — people so dear and rare — but to bring them back by remembering.” (May Sarton)
Lord, I do believe; help my unbelief.
St. Cristobal Magallanes and Companions, pray for us.

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